The Baiers
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The New Normal
Wow! It has been so long since I have posted anything on this Blog!! A lot has been going on. It is hard to believe that I am 32 weeks and only 8 more to go!! Baby Grayson will be here before I know it. Our family has gone through so much change over the last few months. Only by the grace of God have we managed to make it through it all. Bryan won his battle with Cancer on November 17th. His battle had just began earlier that month. So crazy to think that it has already almost been 2 months. My girls and I have had so much comfort and support during this time. It is more than we can comprehend and way more than we will ever be able to repay. But I am so thankful for my church family and all of the support they have shown!! Hopefully (I know I say this way too often) but hopefully I will be able to keep up with this a little better as the months go on!!! Thanks for checking in on us and please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
What does 4 plus 1 equal?? You guessed it - FIVE! I am still in a little bit of shock that at the end of February, first of March the Baier family will become a family of 5. Abbi will be 10 and Ella will be 7 when this little bundle of joy will be born. What was I thinking!!!! I really don't think that I was and that might be the problem, but God has blessed us again with the expecting of a new addition to our family. Bryan is very excited, which was kind of a shock to me but I am so glad that he is as excited as he is. I am excited as well but I keep telling myself it has been 6 years and OH MY things have changed. What if I have forgotten everything? Am I going to remember how to take care of a baby?? Of course I think I know all of the answers to those questions but still a little nervous at just starting over. I have wonderful family and amazing friends though that I know will help every step of the way!!! My girls are excited or at least they are slowly getting there. Abbi just said "OK!" when we told them and Ella, well Ella pretended she fainted. No drama there!! I just ask for your prayers as we emark on this new journey in our lives. My girls especially. Their world will be completely turned upside down. Ella has been the baby for 6 years now and I know will have a difficult time. But they will both be such big helpers. Thanks again for the prayers and we are very excited to begin this new journey and are waiting on what God has planned for us next!
Monday, July 12, 2010
10 Years Together
I know it has been a very long time since my last post! I've decided we either live very boring lives or we are so busy that I can't ever find time to tell you about everything. So here's the latest (I can think of) in the Baier House!!!

Bryan and I were married on April 21, 2000. We were so young and so clueless and we had a baby on the way. So many things could have gone wrong and it's sad to say that it most cases they do, but on April 21, 2010 we celbrated 10 wonderful years of marriage. Just 2 months before this we were hit with something that neither of us expected. It stopped us in our tracks for a few weeks. I believe several times over the course of those weeks the vows we had said came back to us over and over again. Through sickness and health??!! Wow were those times tested. But not once did we doubt our love for each other and more importantly the love God has for us! Through surgery and then the dreaded waiting came for resluts God knew all along the outcome!! What we thought in the beginning to be the worst case scenario God knew would turn out to be nothing at all. I am so glad that we trusted him and gave it all to him during that time. Over the last 10 years we have had to do that many times and I am so thankful that we do have that relationship with him and that we put him in complete control of our lives personally, our marriage relationship and our children's lives.
During the week of April 19th - 23rd we went on a 7 day Cruise to the Carribean. It was just amazing. We had such a wonderful time together and enjoyed every island - Jaimaca, Grand Cayman Island and Cozumel. We created so many memories! I hope we can do this again very soon. It was just a great week - just the 2 of us - to reconnect. It's not often in any of ours lives that we can spend just one on one time together with our spouses. It was long overdue for us and I am so glad that we were able to have that together time!!!
Here are a couple of pictures we had taken on the boat. I will post actual pictures from the islands later (I promise)! I might even try to tell you a little bit about them!!

Friday, January 29, 2010
It has finally happened. I thought this day would never come. On December 19, 2009 Bryan graduated from SMU with his MBA. We are so proud of this great accomplishment. I am glad that I finally have my husband back after 2 years. We are not sure what to do with ourselves now that we are all home together every night. There has been a little bit of adjusting but we are so thankful that he is finally finished. Here are a few pictures of the day.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Well, it has happened. My baby has turned 9 years old. I am a little late with this post, I understand, but things have just been so so busy! You're lucky to even get this.
On October, 24th we celebrated Abbi's 9th birthday. I always ask what kind of party they would like to have and she decided this year to have a "SPA" party. Thanks to my wonderful friend Becky Endsley we were able to have the party at her house. There was no way I could accomodate 7 girls plus family in my tiny house. She was gracious enough to let us have it at hers. I made Towel Wraps for each of the girls. The had their own slippers to wear. We did Pedicures, Manicures, Parifin Wax, Facials, Make-Up and Hair. Thanks to my sister Emily - she did a great job on their hair. We had a wonderful day and I think the girls had a great time. Thanks to all the moms for letting their girls come. Abbi was very thankful they were able to join in on the fun! Here are a few pics from the party! Enjoy!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Okay - so I promised some pictures of our vacation so I feel the need to deliver.
We went to Florida this year with the Lees and the Wrights. We had a great time and it was very relaxing. We enjoyed tons of great Seafood (so much that on the Sunday after we got home we ate at Juan Pablo's like twice that day). We enjoyed the friends, visiting and relaxing. Hope you enjoy the pics.
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